Unique Insights for Soulful Business Growth

Welcome to Archetype Empowerment

Are you ready to dive deep into the essence of who you truly are and how you can show up authentically in your business and life? It’s time for Archetype Empowerment—a sacred space where we explore the unique mix of archetypes that make up your inner world and how you can harness their power to elevate your journey as an entrepreneur.

Archetype Branding and Design Empowerment

Does this sound familiar?

"Why do I feel stuck or stagnant?"

"Why do some clients or collabs drain my energy, and how can I protect myself?"

"Which archetypes in my mix are causing conflict?"

It's Time to Find The Answers Within

The Archetype Empowerment Consultation is a personalized 60-minute recorded video session where we explore your unique archetypes, empowering you for authentic and impactful personal and business growth.

Brand Design

In-Depth Archetype Assessment Review

We’ll fully explore the results of your unique Archetype Assessment. This is more than just a review of your results—it’s a discovery of the strengths and challenges within your archetypal mix and how they flow with or against each other. Together, we’ll uncover the core qualities that define your style, so you can embrace and amplify them with confidence.


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Self-Promotion Strategy

One of the biggest challenges for heart-centered entrepreneurs is promoting yourself without feeling “icky” about it. During our session, I’ll guide you on how to leverage your archetypes to self-promote in a way that feels completely aligned with who you are. You’ll learn to communicate your values with ease, attracting clients who resonate with your true essence.


Business Colors

Archetypal Clashes

Entrepreneurship often involves interactions with a wide variety of personalities, and not all of them will mesh perfectly with your core values. We’ll identify which archetypes you’re most likely to clash with and explore strategies for navigating those dynamics gracefully. This insight empowers you to maintain your integrity while managing relationships with ease.


Brand Redesign

Why would I need this?

If you received your Archetype Assessment results, reviewed the brief summaries and felt completely satisfied with no questions, then you don’t! However, most people have questions; even the most self-aware who have done their shadow work can be aided by the archetypal frameworks in reaching their next level. 

The Archetype Empowerment Consultation is your opportunity to gain clarity and confidence in how you present yourself to the world. It’s about aligning your inner truth with your outward expression, so you can step into your power without hesitation. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to realign with your purpose, this consultation will provide you with the tools and insights to move forward with authenticity and strength.

This isn’t just a session—it’s a journey into self-discovery and empowerment, designed to help you shine in every aspect of your entrepreneurial path

Brand Redesign

Your Investment

Split Payment

50% down, 50% on completion
  • $110 total

After you complete your deposit or full investment, you’ll be directed to schedule your Archetype Empowerment!

Not sure if this is right for you?

Contact Tanya with any questions you may have!

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